Pszczyna zero-emission

Yesterday I was at the Think Eco Congress: Clean Water, Clean Energy, Clean Poland is an event where experts representing various sectors of science and business discussed, among other things, the European Green Deal, electromobility, RES, waste management, and the financing and costs of the necessary energy transition.
The conference was held on September 29 and 30 in Pszczyna.
During the conference, the mayor of Pszczyna signed an intentional agreement with SBB Energy SA, Veolia Energia Polska SA and the Regional Chamber of Commerce in Katowice, regarding hydrogen technology and the development of a technological concept covering the production, storage and utilization of hydrogen, which can be used, among other things, for district heating.
And in short, the signed agreement over the next few years can completely transform the municipality and make it a zero-emission region.
Almost the entire project will be financed with funds that the European Union has set aside for such projects.

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